Fagg Family Tree
Created < 1999, Revised; 17/11/2022, 07/09/2023
My Grandmother's (Nan nan Dad's mum) family;
My Granny, with some reminders from my mum rather than my father.
Ancestry for dates and checking. Plus, I added my great and great-great-grandparent names from census records.

Family Tree - Fagg - ancestors
Fagg family home in 1901 according to the Census was; 17, Thanet Road, Ramsgate. I am told that they were a musical family and passed on a very good understanding of music to my father, John Lohmann.
Beatrice Fagg;
My grandmother was an accomplished Pianist, though she never took it up professorially, she taught piano. Beatrice who had Osteoarthritis said that all her brothers had Rheumatoid-Arthritis and did not live beyond age 50 (I had Rheumatoid-Arthritis from age 15 to age 27 and my Granny told me about her brothers then). One of her brothers was married to Popsy – possibly, but this was one of grandad's brothers.
Beatrice corresponded with a school friend; Miss Edith Duff – who left John Harold Lohmann a pocket watch, I believe her fiancée was a casualty of the first world war. Beatrice was from a musical family, inherited from her father’s family. My father John inherited a considerable appreciation and understanding of music. She was highly qualified, but did not pursue a concert pianist career. There is a photo of her wearing her cap and gown for her qualification as a pianist. Beatrice’s mother died young at age 50 of a stroke and then fell down the stairs (I recall hearing this story when I was a boy visiting my grandparents). Her father disgraced himself by re-marring, as a result Beatrice never let him in the house when he came to visit her grandson (John). Mum says Beatrice’s mother owned 8 houses. Beatrice saw the Zeppelins when they bombed Ramsgate and Margate, which is as far as they could travel. The Zeppelins were silent and when shot down in flames came down silently, so people could hear the crew screaming as the balloon came down. The crews were not given parachutes. People left Ramsgate and Margate and there were auctions where Beatrice purchased a clock for she was with her mother and heard it striking and wanted to find it and buy it, which she did for about £2, I think. At Ramsgate? There was a tram line along the seafront in 1901 a very large tram was built it ran along the seafront and tumbled off killing many.
When I looked at the Ancestry census, I found that Beatrice's friend Miss Eddie Duff was also her childhood neighbour as well as a school friend. My sister and I used to get Christmas cards from her with a 5/- postal order, I think, (25p). We then had to write a letter telling her what we were doing and thanking her for the postal order.
I believe the pocket watch pictured is the one inherited by my father. It could be my great-grandfathers watch that my father spoke of, or the one from Eddie Duff. It could also be the pocket watch I inherited from my mums father, but I think that one had a knurled winder at the top.
I have been told of a Frederic Fagg born about 1820, in Margate was choirmaster at St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth. But I do not know if there is a family connection other than the music and location in common. (Email discussion with Jeremy Duncan).
Jacob Isaac Fagg and Susannah
Father and mother from Ancestry.
Frederick Fagg (Ancestry) 1863 - ? Married to; Mary, 1865 - 1915?;
- Ancestry.com 1863, 17 Thanet Rd, Ramsgate (census 1911)
Fred 1878 to before 1938;
My father John remembered when he was small his uncle Fred, took the cake, not the slice as a joke. That was the uncle who drove a Morgan motor car, I believe.
Charlie 1890 before 1940;
Worked in a power station where a kitten was electrocuted it never grow up but remained a kitten and I believe it lived a good length life.
Roy Fagg married to Pauline his second wife and was manager of the South East Electricity Board (SEEB) warehouse in Tunbridge Wells, a Radio ham. Said to have been involved in secret work in WW2, I wondered if it was code breaking, but he would not tell me anything, including if he did secret work.
Peter was an Army Captain. Surveyor lived in Broadstairs and worked on Canterbury Cathedral.
Brian was a Chemist (their mother’s name was Amy). Brian told me something about a relative who made optical instruments, Possibly theodolites, or that could be Stanley. I did meet Brian in the late 1970s or early 1980s.
Beatrice; 1896 - 1985
My Grandmother.
Reg; 1901 to before 1951;
I don’t know anything about Reg.
I thought there was a 4th son, but he does not appear to exist or at least to reside with his parents in Censuses 1891 to 1911 on Ancestry.com
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