Lohmann Family Tree
Created < 12/08/09, Changed; 28/10/2022, 27/10/2022
Information handed down, some remembered by my mum but other information from;
Joan Hawkins (Lohmann) gave me a lot of information between; 2001 - 2008.
Tony Hartman - asked me about butterfly collections, particularly A.G. Peyton, Ramsgate who is mentioned in a 19th Century book 'The Butterflies and moths of Kent by Michael Chalmers-Hunt who died in 2005.
Caroline Hancock (Lohmann); 2003. She may be a closer relative to George Lohmann the cricketer but for her that there is no male line on her side of the family. Her family tree is also viewable on ancestry.com
I have marked it as unsure about the link and have not included it because it makes the link to Germany more recent;
Frantz Nicolaus LOHMANN 1760– and his wife Christina Friederica Amalia 1760–
Their child; Johann Diedrich Gotten Christian Lohmann 1793-1887, Born Uthlede, Hannover, Preußen
Married, 1822 • St Botolph without Bishopsgate, London, England to Elizabeth Lohman (1794–1861).
I may be the closet male line relative to the cricketer George Lohmann, I was told. But the nearest relative may be Ginny (Loman) married to Andrew Preece who contacted me having found my website is a closer relative to the cricketer George Lohmann as far as she can tell. In 2003 tells me;.
This is different again;
Johann Gottfried Deitrich Christian Lohmann 1794 - 1837 married 1822 to Elizabeth Cundell 1796 - 1861 (correction)
Godfrey Stewart Lohmann, 1824 - 1845 (added)
Matilda Lohmann, 1826 - 1890
William Charles Lohmann 1828 - 1830 (added)
Henry Strickland Lohmann 1830 - (added)
John Berkley Herman Lohmann 1831 - married to Mary 1836 -
Emily Bertheau Lohmann 1832 -
George Stewart Cundell Lohmann 1834-1919, married to Frances Watling 1830 - 1887 (who I was told I am the nearest male line too but distant)
(Catherine 1837 - not included)
Joshua Sydney Lohmann 1875 - 1946 married to Florence Alice Pritchard (added name)
Stewart Berkeley Lohmann, 1863 - 1931 (My ancestor)
George Alfred Lohmann, 1865 - 1901 (Cricketer)
Julia Frances S Lohmann, 1867 -
Augusta Elizabeth Lohmann, 1870 -
(Octavia 1868 - 1868 not included)
George Lohmann: The beau idéal, Paperback – January 1, 1991, by Ric Sissons (Author), ISBN-10: 0949138541, ISBN-13: 978-0949138545.
Jean Lohmann (My mum) remembered more of the details that my father's Grandparents had told me.
Lohmann family came from Germany;
Joan Hawkins (Lohmann) tells me: The Lohmann family came to England in 1714. From history books, there was no heir to the English throne and so the Elektor of Hanover (i.e. George Ludwig of Brunswick-Luneburg) was offered the crown in 1714, becoming George I. A large retinue of courtiers and “hangers-on” came to England with him, including the composer Handel and the Lohmann family who settled mainly in London and the Home Counties.
Links to House of Hanover:-
http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/Rulers/hanover.html http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0822647.html (link does not work)
Link to the family tree with ref to Joshua Lohmann
www.preece.info. & http://www.preece.info/wiki/vb3cfndzmuu9/wiki.cgi?JoshuaLohmannBorn1875

Family Tree - Lohmann from Hanover to cricketer. There are errors in this early family tree.
Wilhelm Hermann Lohmann
Came from Hanover, Germany in about 1714 with possibly five children; Johann, Hermann, Sophia, George and possibly other children?
I am an ancestor of Hermann Lohmann, and this is the branch of the family that is within the scope of this website.
There are other ancestors I do not know of, but I have added some guesses.
Elizabeth or Alicia Berkeley married into my family from then the name Berkeley was given as a christian name to the first son my father said, but that occurs only sometimes. That was our connection to one of the royal families of Britain. This link seems to be earlier than had been, though, when I discussed it with my great cousin Joan. The link I make is different to the story handed down showing a plausible connection to the Duke of Beaufort, Somerset family, but this is my guess that I have very little evidence for. They lived around Hanover Square and so fits with the story passed down. Cedrick Lohmann would have lived at about the right time to have been married to Elizabeth or Alicia Berkeley.
Possible link to Elizabeth or Alicia Berkeley's grandmother (? - 1799) http://www.terry-smith.info/11689.htm the dates are plausible except the 2nd Duke only had one child so there could not be a cousin from this connection.
Cedric Lohmann and Johann Gottfried Deitrich Lohmann
I was told of Cedric and Johann Gottfried Deitrich Lohmann, but I am not sure if this is correct. The family I am more certain of starts with Berkeley and Gangang on the next page.
One of their children John Berkeley Hermann 1831-1904, married to Mary Hattersley then Mary Susannah? 1837-1907 {Lived in Hastings} - This is my direct ancestor (see further down this page) and starts to merge with the history told by my family.

Family Tree-Lohmann - John Berkeley Hermann - excluding Berkeley.
My branch of the family tree is the Berkeley branch, see below.
John Berkeley Hermann Lohmann
1831-1904 married to Mary Susan Hattersley 1837-1907 - lived in Hastings was Cricketer George Alfred Lohmann's uncle (this is the link),
Berkeley 1867-1922, married to Mary Maria Greenwood (Gangan) 1870-1943. Surname could be Greenfield? - These are my direct ancestors.
William 1865-29
Alice 1867-?
Florence 1863-36
Alfred 1873-35
Ronald 1875-? Married to Emma Church 1870-1942 {slightly earlier date for Ronald suggested in C. Lohmann's email}. Children Ronald Gordon 1900 - 1969 {London} and Twin died within hours or days {Beatrice my granny signed the certificate}
Son Ronald married 1926 to Dorothea Carmen Cox 1904 - 1969 {Ronald was born within the sound of 'Bow Bells, London} - Slightly later dates suggested by Carol Handcock in her email.
Their son is; Peter Ronald Lohmann 1926-1972 {London} married to Betty Brown 1923 - ?
Their daughter is; Caroline (Lohmann) Handcock 1962 married to David Handcock. They have two daughters.
Constance 1875-1962, married 1899 to Gordon Mavor 1868-1941.

Family Tree-Lohmann - Berkeley - descendants
Berkeley Lohmann
1867-1922, married registered June 1889 (not 1888 as Joan was told) to Mary Maria Greenwood (Gangan) 1870-1943. The surname corrected using Ancestry.com census record was not Greenfield. - These are my direct ancestors.
Inherited The Marquis of Granby pub, New Cross, London – sold it & leased it back.
Berkeley was born in Brixton Census 1911, occupation private means and lived in Ramsgate.
Berkeley Hermann 1889-1953 (registered June 1889) married 25 October 1914 to Edith Mary Coleman 1884-1974. {Ancestry.com gets many hits for a birthdate of about 1883 instead of 1884}.
One child Joan 1922-2008, One son Keith Preston by Hermon Spiller Quick. Married 1947 to Fred Hawkins.
Keith Preston 1947 is married to Angelika 1962. They have three children;
Lukas 1985.
Claire 1988.
Alice [Lilly] 1990.
Marion (May) 1891-1976 married to Joe Striem, had no sons
Harold 1892 - 1978 married 1921 (Middlesex) to Beatrice Mary Fagg 1894 - 1985 ("nr-do-well" brother).
Mabel [Monday] 1893-1893 stillborn.
Florence [Riggles] 1898-1981, married to Author Peyton
Still Born - no details?
Pictures may be my great-grandfather's pub in New cross/Lewisham, London.
I believe the Marquis of Granby gave each of his soldiers who had served in the Napoleonic wars, for him, a pub. Probably 150-200 Marquis of Granby public houses were given?
I do not know how it came about that my great-grandfather inherited this public house?

Family Tree - Lohmann Harold - descendants
Harold Lohmann
1892 - 1978 married 1921 (Middlesex) to Beatrice Mary Fagg 1894 - 1985 ("nr-do-well" brother).
John Harold 1929-2002, married to Jean Helen Parken
Andrew Harold 1958
Avril Imogen 1964 married 1982? To Simon Edwards, 1960-2018
Joyce 1924 - 2022 married to Harry Humphrey
Son; Damien
Steven 19xx-died?
Children; how many?
Natasha 1958 – 2004 married 1995~ to David Handley
Daughter; Rachel
Nick (Gwyn)
2 Sons.
More detail handed down family history;
I believe my great-grandfather, Berkeley, inherited the Marquis of Granby which is in New Cross, London, sold the pub and leased it back. He never needed to work liked to drink, had a good singing voice recited Shakespeare, and had a temper. My father thought Berkeley was bad and got that impression from his father Harold – My father, as a young man, used his Grandfathers pocket watch in an Ouija board experiment that frightened some of his mates. It was said by dad that Berkeley did not leave any money (this is not quite true either) spending it on drink and buying everyone drinks when he went into a pub (exaggerated or not true according to Joan). Actually, his wife Gangan passed on four houses. My Great grandfather died of throat cancer – not drink. I have the two paintings of fishing smacks near Ramsgate harbour, that he painted. They are of stormy weather and the other of fine weather. My Great Grandfather knew about and appreciated fresh fish, a trait passed down – the eyes should look hard like marbles if it is fresh and of good quality.
I have been given another possible link, this is to Ronald Lohmann, but the birth date does not coincide born 1875 coincides with another Ronald married to the Church family. My granny Beatrice is the possible link, as her name appears as a witness at the more recent Ronald's wedding. This link is either to a younger brother of John Berkeley Hermann Lohmann or a quite remote link. The writer of the email to me does know of the Marquis of Granby and the Cricketer and does have another or the same Lohmann ancestor who never needed to work and had a mistress. Carol Handcock, who emailed and told me some of this, said something to suggest Berkeley did not have to work and had a twice-a-year income.
Marquis of Granby - Lewisham, London.
Joan Hawkins tells me; that she did not know who actually owned the freehold of the Marquis of Granby, but my great-grandfather held the lease for many years but forgot (or somehow neglected) to renew it somewhere around the years 1910-1912. The loss of the income from this large Inn then caused him some financial hardship, which, in turn, meant that her father and my grandfather Harold had to study to earn their own living.
Mum told me that the pub was lost in a gambling debt by my great-grandfather. I had not heard this before, but it fits ever so well with what is said of the family's nature and the wealth recorded in the probate for that ancestor. I suspect, but I don't know, that if other relatives were still alive they would not confirm this being another of those bits of family hypocrisy and therefore a lost detail.
Berkeley and Gangan;
Mum (maiden name Jean Helen Parken) tells me that Berkeley and Gangan had six children, but two died young. She recalls being told this when she told Harold, my grandfather, that she was one of eight, with no childhood sibling deaths.
Berkeley was born on 16 May 1889 as Joan was told, and she says is documented. The marriage was one-month later in June 1889 apparently at the same time as the wedding was registered, Joan points out. However, Joan said, Gangan always said that she eloped in 1888 at the age of 18 and married my grandfather Berkeley in July 1888. She used to say that my father was conceived as a "honeymoon baby".
Joan said if correct that the marriage date was 1889 not 1888 as she was told. "I shall be HIGHLY AMUSED if my father was actually born out of wedlock because he always adopted the "High-Moral-Ground" stance - (you know, "holier-than-thou" !) - and I remember vividly that when I "went astray" at 19 by falling in love with the wrong man, my father accused my mother of passing on "immoral genes" to me !!! He actually told her there was NEVER any scandal in the Lohmann family and that all the Lohmann's had always been "Beyond Reproach" in every way." Subsequently, I have found a marriage that fits the alleged date a place of April-May-June 1889 in Croydon, Surrey but no similar marriage in Croydon 1888.
Gangan Greenwood, not Greenfield - I am told the surname name was Greenwood in an email from a reader of this website, but that may be a different family line. This line gave my grandfather three more siblings; Ethel (1893-1938), Winifred (1899-?) and Frederick(1896-?) Which Joan was certain is not correct. There is also a marriage certificate for Berkeley and Mary, but Mary's surname is given as Greenwood and her age is given as 22 and her father is a Mariner, so conveniently away at sea either a combination of lies and mistakes in order to get married legally or is the wrong certificate? This certificate, which I have a picture of, is on Ancestry in 2014, but a record of the correct surname name and similar date does not exist.
Four houses
Joan Hawkins tells me; My great-grandmother Mary Greenwood eloped with your great-grandfather (Berkeley) in 1888. She was then 18 and he was 21. Joan says, I believed they lived in Croydon for a while, which is where my father was born in 1889. They then moved to Ramsgate to “Rotherwood” in Southwood Road where they built 5 houses in the extensive garden, including “Napleton Villa” where I & my parents lived and “Holly Bank” where your great-aunt Florence (Riggles) lived with her husband Arthur Peyton.
Joan gives me more detail of what my great-grandfather Berkeley bequeathed:- he left the houses which he’d built in Southwood Road & Napleton Road, Ramsgate; and after his death Gangan lived off the rents from three of these. One (Napleton Villa, 38 Southwood Road) was rented by her father Berkeley; Auntie May rented Dalkeith, 44 Southwood Road until she & her husband Joe moved to Hove; and when Auntie Riggles married Arthur Peyton they rented Hollybank, Napleton Road. There were also thousands from the proceedings from the sale of the other 2 houses, but Gangan “blew” most (but not all) of this money when she & Riggles went to Monte Carlo in the mid-1920s, gambling in the casinos in the vain hope of making a fortune. Arthur Peyton, who was then courting Riggles, went out there to France to bring Riggles back because he thought Gangan was planning to marry her off to some “gigolo”!! A year or so later Arthur & Riggles were married in Ramsgate. (For some reason unknown to me, I wasn’t allowed to be a bridesmaid.) With her remaining money, your grandfather Harold tried to persuade Gangan to buy TWO houses in Sevenoaks; but she would only buy one because she said that by owning only 4 houses, it would mean that each of her 4 children would fairly inherit ONE house when she died. And so it came about.
Joan's son Keith finds Joan
Joan Hawkins’ son Keith with his wife Angelika searched through the telephone directories to find a “Lohmann”, they found a female doctor living in London who is a distant relative. When I travelled the world in 1982 Joan told me; she found a Lohmann who owned a big hotel near Lake Taupo in the Tongariro National Park (North Island). Unfortunately, at the time I stayed in this hotel he was away on business, so I could not ascertain to which branch of the family he belonged. However, I’m sure he must have been related to us because the Lohmann's were nearly all inn-keepers (at least, they were in the 18th and 19th centuries).
Duke of Beaufort’s family
Joan Hawkins tells me: Some way back in our ancestry, one of our male Lohmann's married a daughter of the Berkeley family (i.e. the Duke of Beaufort’s family who own Badminton), which is why many of the Lohmann's after that were called “Berkeley”. The John Berkeley Hermann Lohmann whom you mention would have been either the father or the uncle of your great-grandfather. Sorry, I don’t know which! My father was always reluctant to talk about his ancestry. He was an INVERTED snob, i.e. he disliked being associated with any of the “A/B” class and was much more of a socialist than your father ever was. In fact, he was really a communist (which is why he was never promoted to the post of headmaster !!!) I often tried to drag items of information from him, but after a couple of minutes, he would stop talking and brush me aside.
Joan’s mother told her quite a lot about the Lohmann's, and she also got more information from Auntie May, who was quite keen on the family history. ‘Gangan’ also told me a few things, but she was disinclined to say too much because she knew that my father would be angry if he found out she’d been telling me Family History which he (being anti-capitalist) didn’t want me to know. For instance, you ask about Alicia Berkeley. According to both Gangan & Auntie May, we are descended “on the wrong side of the blanket” from one of the Dukes of Beaufort, who had an affair with his own cousin. A daughter was born from this liaison, taking her mother’s surname of Berkeley. (Gangan said her name was Alicia, but Auntie May thought it was Elizabeth. I really don’t know which is right.) This girl, they said, married one of our ancestors, presumably either John Gottfried Dietrich or his son; since then, the eldest male son of that branch was called Berkeley, either as a first or a second name. I do notice that this name is confirmed by the Family Tree. If there really was “in-breeding” between the Duke & his cousin, it might account for the rather unnatural “Tempers and Rages” displayed by SOME of the later Lohmann's, including Gangan’s Berkeley, and my father Berkeley Hermann and your grandfather Harold.
I have shown a little of the Berkeley connection in the tree at the top of the page the names fit as well as opportunity because they lived around Hanover Square, London in the 18th century.
John Berkeley Herman Lohmann
John Berkeley Herman Lohmann was born in Shoreditch in 1831 or 1829, and lived around Islington and Lambeth. He married Mary Hattersley. The second wife was Mary Susannah and moved to 47, St. Helens Road, Hastings. Later they moved to 9, St. Helens Terrace, latter this house is renumbered 90. Died 1904 and buried in Hastings plot KA.
The line following Constance is Dudley Mavor & Jessie Mealinster their daughter Constance contacted my father.
Two important christian names keep cropping up Hermann and Berkeley. Harold I was lead to believe is the name of the Lohmann who came from Germany, and Berkeley similarly is an important name passed down. Joan Hawkins tells me: As regards the forename “Harold” taking precedence over “Berkeley”, it’s obvious that your & my families have told us differing stories depending on their own Christian names !! The truth is Hermann (not Harold) came with his parents and family to England from Hanover and his father was Wilhelm Hermann.
Travel Joan's perspective;
However, I do know that our ancestors seem to have done quite a lot of “colonising” – i.e. they travelled to South Africa, Rhodesia, New Zealand, etc., where they usually opened pubs, hotels or inns of some sort or another. I know quite a lot about your great-grandfather (who incidentally died in 1922, the year I was born). For instance, he had red hair – and a temper to match – and possessed a fine singing voice. His hobbies were horses & riding, cricket, music, art and sailing. At one time he had a yacht which he moored in Ramsgate harbour. He loved painting sailing ships. I gave my oil painting to John some years ago, not knowing then that my son would contact me, and so I expect your dad will leave it to you. Sorry I can’t fill you in on any earlier ancestors or dates, except that your great-grandmother Mary (whom we nicknamed “Gangan”) died in Stafford in 1943 while living with “Riggles” & Arthur Peyton who were evacuated there during the Second World War. (Arthur was a schoolmaster, like my own father).
Harold's brother Berkeley;
Joan says My father, also called “Berkeley”, died in 1953 aged 64. My Mother then moved to Dorset in 1957 to live with me for 17 years until her death in 1974 aged 92. (She was 8 years older than my father and was the eldest daughter of William Coleman, 3 times Mayor of Ramsgate, who owned one bakery, two tea shops and one restaurant in Ramsgate, Broadstairs & Margate.)
Berkeley's wife Edith Coleman;
Joan also tells me: Firstly, you ask about my Mother. Her maiden name was Edith Mary Coleman. She was born on 9 November 1881 in Northiam, near Hastings. When she was 5 her mother died in childbirth. Soon after this, her father William Coleman married again and moved to Ramsgate, where he bought a bakery on King Street plus a large restaurant at the lower end of the High Street. Later on, he expanded into another tea shop in Harbour Street, plus a restaurant in Margate and a confectionery shop/tearooms in Broadstairs. William Coleman had a large family of 10 children – 6 children by his first wife and 4 by his second. The second family inherited all his money. It was William Coleman (NOT a Lohmann) who was 3 times Mayor of Ramsgate in the 1920s and 1930s. The family lived in a large 8-bedroomed detached house called ‘King's cliff’, with a big walled garden, in Park Road, Ramsgate, overlooking the town’s Park. Before her marriage, my mother used to do all the bookkeeping for her father’s businesses (although she would have preferred to make a career in music because she was a very accomplished pianist and also played the organ in church, including the entire Oratorios of Handel & Mendelssohn, etc.) – and it was in the High Street restaurant that my father Berkeley first saw her and fell in love with her. At first, Gangan didn’t approve of the match because she rather looked down on anyone in TRADE! However, she gradually thawed out over the years so that all seemed “sweetness & light” by the time I was about 10.
Harold catching Butterflies;
As regards Harold’s amputated arm: I don’t think the butterfly story is true, either! I always understood (and Harold told me himself) that during World War 1 he had a slight wound in the upper part of his right arm and was then forced to sleep on the bare ground at night because there was a shortage of ground sheets. The soil contained saltpetre which got into the wound, turning it gangrenous. I believe this to be true. Yes, he did have a War Pension. I also understood that he had a lump sum from the War Office which enabled him to buy (or perhaps put down a deposit ?) on Rosslyn, Sevenoaks. I was NOT aware, until you told me, that Harold was turned out of the family home, and I find it difficult to believe that Gangan would have allowed this. I was always led to believe that the 2 brothers (my father & your grandfather) had to earn their own livings because your great-grandfather, no longer having the income from the lease of the Marquis of Granby, couldn’t afford to keep them at home idle as he had done until 1912. However, I certainly DO believe that Harold was bullied by his brother (my father, Berkeley).
Harold, my grandfather like his father’s before went to bed to die. Cared much about wildlife proud of growing Chrysanthemums and gardening stayed up all night to cut a tree down and then went to work in London the next day. Pre-war Communist, like his brother. Worked as a clerk, for Humphries Of Knight's Bridge a builder. The firm had a large building project, and a Roman vase found held work up for months whilst archaeological excavation was carried out. Prior to that, Harold Worked for Stranges of Sevenoaks, but not the electrical business. Got gangrene and lost his arm possibly whilst catching butterflies in Africa during WW1, but denied that version. Thrown out of the family home because he was useless without an arm. He was the youngest son, that was bullied by his brothers. Beatrice gave him a gold ring with a diamond as an engagement present. Harold returned home and in the settlement of an argument cut a stained-glass panel at his father’s home with the diamond in the ring when his brothers told him the stone was probably glass. Harold may not have agreed with how Joan was treated, but toed the party line – That Berkeley was having a bad time with Joan. Had a piece of paper that traced the family line back to the 18th century. When the family came to London from Germany with King George of Hanover. Harold inherited the temper, having a white rage for days – dad kept his head down and relied on his mum to shield him. Joyce argued back at him and could always get her way.
He told me that like most young men Harold proudly joined up to serve in World War One, he took what he said was his lovely three-speed bike with him, but that was requisitioned by the army. He left the army as so many were very cynical of war the army and what he said was stomach trouble from being kept very short of water by the army.
The camp bed pictured is from my grandparent's home, I slept on it as a boy if we had visitors, it looks like it is from the first world war. I do not know if it was grandfathers, it has our surname pencilled on it. These could be purchased as in the 1930s from Newspaper adverts. It is uncomfortable, not strong enough to sit on, and the canvas has started to rip.
My grandfather received retraining, an artificial arm and made the tray pictured. The tray was to be presented to the king, but Harold chose to lock it in his locker and did not attend the day of the visit.
Harold lost his arm in WWI
Both Joyce and my Grandfather said that the butterfly and gangrene story was not true, grandfather got a disability pension for life from the army for his lost arm. Mum tells me she laughed when she was told the story. Harold and Beatrice (my grandparents) had friends Mr and Edith Berwick - builder very wealthy gave money to charity. Riggles married to Arthur who had a Morgan car, smart wore plus four’s (golf club requisite kit). Dad (John) played trams & buses with his Granny Gangan. John’s sister Joyce made him a wire clip to put bus or tram tickets to play the game. I was told that all Lohmann's were called Harold by my father and grandfather. This is more important than the name Berkeley. Mum confirms that Harold was important and though it was my great-grandfather’s name, in any case, Harold came from Germany.
Joan Hawkins tells me: Yes, I heard vague rumours that Harold & Beatrice were not always very nice to your Mother, Jean. But then don’t you find that, in those days, most parents never thought their daughters-in-law were good enough for their sons? That certainly was the case between Gangan and my Mother Edith – and indeed between Gangan and Beatrice. (Thank goodness I very much like my lovely Austrian daughter-in-law Angelika !!) Regarding the butterflies, both Harold & his brother Berkeley (my father) were keen on this cruel & ridiculous “sport”. My father, too, had a large collection, but I understood that my mother had given them away to Harold after my father died. This may not be right – but that’s what I was told. Actually, it was Harold himself who told me that his arm had gone gangrenous due to his having to lie on bare soil containing saltpetre.
Joan Hawkins suggests I explored Gangan’s family tree? I believe her maiden name was Greenfield and that her father was a doctor. Her family more-or-less “disowned” her after she eloped with your great-grandfather. Later in her life, one of her brothers contacted her trying to borrow money – but she would have nothing to do with him. I was told he was a ne’er-do-well.
What the family were like;
Joan said;- Frankly, Andrew, there was very little love between my father & myself. My father was an arrogant tyrant. His schoolteacher colleagues detested him. Even my Mother, who professed to love him, told me (after his death) that she had had a “very difficult life” with him. He never liked me because I was a girl. He’d set his heart on having a son and never forgave the fact that my birth had made it impossible for him to try again for a son. (The doctor told him my Mother – who was then 40 – would not survive having another child and that he must ALWAYS take precautions against this. My Mother was 8 years older than my father.) My childhood was very very stressful – which accounts for the severe impediment in my speech which I suffered for many years. If it had not been for my Mother, my father would have “put me away” when I was 19, nearly 20, because I fell in love with the “wrong” man (older & divorced) and I’d committed the so-called “crime” of going to bed with him. In this day & age, the situation is commonplace. Everybody does it openly. In those days, it was still done, but mostly hidden. Then, the age of majority was 21, and my father said I was still a CHILD – a bad wicked child – who needed correction & punishment! My mother threatened to leave him if he “put me away” – so for the first time in his married life, he was forced to give in to her, although in his thwarted rage he told the family that because I’d slept with this man I was no better than a prostitute. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given the chance to put my own case, so most of the family believed I was AWFUL! Never mind, that’s ancient history now. Many years later, when I was in my 50s, your grandfather Harold told me that my father’s “puritanical” attitude was sheer hypocrisy. Harold said that before my father and Arthur Peyton were married, they rented a two-room flat between them in Margate from 1908 to 1912, furnished only with two beds and a washbasin, where they used to “entertain” various women. Like “Little Audrey”, I laughed & laughed!!! (I shall never know if my mother was aware of this. Probably not. My father ‘courted’ her from 1910 to when they married on 25 October 1914, just before he was sent to serve in the WW1 Trenches. I know he was unfaithful to her in France during that war – but that, too, is ancient history.
I found this photo at; https://www.espncricinfo.com/magazine/content/story/149483.html
George Lohmann : the beau idéal / Ric Sissons, ISBN 0949138541
George Alfred Lohmann Cricketer
George Lohmann and his brothers all played cricket. George died of TB in his thirties, unmarried. My grandfather told me that we are the closest male line relation to George Lohmann, the Surrey cricketer. George was a cousin to Berkeley, my great-great-grandfather. George played for England at the time of W.G. Grace, details of his life and bowling record can be read in the book “George Lohmann The beau idéal” by Ric Sissons ISBN 0 949138 54 1. A neighbour, Derrick Taylor also has cricket in his family and knows of George. The George Lohmann block of flats was built next to the Oval, probably in the 1960s.
The alternative dates based on the book for George and his brothers are:- Stewart Berkeley 1863-?, George Alfred 1865-1901, Joshua Stuart 1867?-? More on George Lohmann Wikipedia George Lohmann Cricket Archive ESPN Cric Info
George’s father the book (see above) says was quite wealthy living in Kensington but may have lost money in the 1866 stock market crash. The family then moved to Clapham.
Joyce Lohmann;
Joyce lives near Penzance, Cornwall moving away from Sevenoaks in the 1960s/70s By dad's perception is that she was favourite probably because she stood up to her dad, though it may be that their mum Beatrice was overly protective of her son John. Joyce is a very skilful amateur artist.
John Harold Lohmann;
John My dad went to Sevenoaks School which he did not like, seeing his friend beaten and the old teachers who had come out of retirement because of the war chastised by the headmaster. I think his infant or junior school was Leyland house. Day had a good collection of WWII junk, spent cartages and a stove-pipe from a V1 and potassium in a bottle of alcohol. When dads friend Sam left school, dad had no one to mess about with, and he consequently got on with his work matriculated, and his mum bought him a Lenton Sport bicycle for £19/14/- ? In 1946.
Hermon Spiller Quick
Hermon Spiller Quick was the father of Joan's son Keith - the family farmed in Dorset & Somerset for more than 400 years.
Natasha Handley
Natasha (Tasha) Handley – my cousin was a day younger than me died in a road crash on Monday 18 October 2004. Natasha, who I met in the mid-1990s with her first new baby Rachel and her husband David, had another child was divorced and had a new partner.
Andrew Lohmann
Born and raised in Dunton Green, moved to Orpington then Tunbridge Wells, Kent, where I now live. I am an Electronics Design Engineer, which is more or less what I wanted to be when I was five.
Oscilloscope that I started making when I was 15.
Avril Edwards;
Born in Orpington, where our family moved and Avril was brought there by the adoption agency of government. Lived in Tunbridge Wells with her husband Simon, 1960-2018. A foster family had kept her for a month after she was born, they lived in Tonbridge.